Final Cut 6 Project Won't Open Although FCP Opens Other Projects

Posted by Retro90 
Final Cut 6 Project Won't Open Although FCP Opens Other Projects
December 08, 2010 03:20PM
My feature film 59 mg FCP 6 project file won't open, but other project files in FCP do. Already trashed my prefs, still the same problem. What else can I do?

FCP 6.06 on a Dual 2GHZ Power PC G5 running OSX 10.5.5 with QT 7.5.5
Re: Final Cut 6 Project Won't Open Although FCP Opens Other Projects
December 08, 2010 03:37PM
Ditch the render files associated with that particular project. If it still won't open, copy the project file to the system drive, detach the project's media from the FCP computer if possible, and open the project with the media offline. If the project does manage to open then, reconnect the media a few at a time to see which media might be causing the problem.

If it still won't open, try opening the file on another similarly configured system. If it opens somewhere else, you can then export an XML and reimport that on the original FCP6 system.
Re: Final Cut 6 Project Won't Open Although FCP Opens Other Projects
December 08, 2010 07:11PM
Thanks so much, will try it all...maybe it's just a render file problem. Have the timed QT's and omf's of everything backed up of course but hate to start over as a new project.
Re: Final Cut 6 Project Won't Open Although FCP Opens Other Projects
August 07, 2013 06:34AM
This thread really helped me. When my project refused to open and hung up FCP6, what worked for me was:
1. moving the project file to the desktop,
2. disconnecting the media harddrive,
3. I had to go into FCP preferences, change the scratch disk to a different hard drive.
4. Then open the project from the desktop.
5. Then I re-connected the media.
For some reason all that worked fine.
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