Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format

Posted by Richard.M 
Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 23, 2010 09:39PM

I need to efficiently rip multiple of scenes from two dozen dvd's for an actor's reel, and then edit in FCP.

I know there are many programs out there to do this, (rip), but as there are many dvd's to rip, I would like to do this as efficiently as possible.

The ideal would be some kind of audio/video passthrough to an editable format, (container), that would not re-encode either the audio or video.

I would also like to avoid having to go through two processes, to save time and preserve quality.

Any ideas?


Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 23, 2010 10:14PM
Unfortunately you'd have to encode it into an editiable forbat. Download mpegstreamclip and encode to pro res. It
s very easy to use. Good luck!

Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 24, 2010 12:54AM
I agree. Mpeg Streamclip to make it into something you can edit with - make sure you use in and out in the Mpegstreamclip timeline so you only pull the parts you need - clip together in FCP, then recode for DVD.

Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 24, 2010 07:40AM
Thanks Matt & Jude. I will try "mpegstreamclip."
Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 24, 2010 05:09PM
IMHO, I would have the Actor supply those clips so as to stay away from any copyright infringement. You can't ethically "RIP" scenes from DVD shows and charge someone for those clips without permission.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 25, 2010 02:02PM
By the way, it is a Screen Actor's Guild Rule - as per the contract that I as a film producer have to sign annually with them - that actors shall receive, upon request, a copy of their scenes after the film has been released to DVD.

So I reckon that covers the legal aspect fairly well in that it is implied in the SAG contract that a showreel will be made, although I agree that it is not specific.

Although I would be curious to know if it is (legally) a Federal or a State offense to "bypass" copy protection.

Ah well. Pointless musings on Christmas Day.

Happy Everything,

Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 27, 2010 04:49AM
Note that in MPEG Streamclip you can set an In and Out Point so you don't have to rip entire films if that's all they gave you. Very handy not to have to recompress the entire film and I agree with the earlier suggestions to go with ProRes for the editing format.

Walter Biscardi, Jr.
Biscardi Creative Media
Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 27, 2010 12:36PM
Hi Walter! Thanks for stopping by the Cafe and sharing your knowledge with us. Honored!

Michael Horton
Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 27, 2010 08:31PM
Michael Horton Wrote:
> Hi Walter! Thanks for stopping by the Cafe and
> sharing your knowledge with us. Honored!

No, I'm honored to hang out here quite honestly. You are legendary in the FCP world. Besides now I can talk to you more than just once a year in April. smiling smiley
Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 27, 2010 10:22PM
I don't talk in April Walter, just drink. So looking forward to talking to you here. smiling smiley

Michael Horton
Re: Editing Actor's Reel DVD Rip to Editable Format
December 28, 2010 08:26AM
Thanks for all the input.
95% of the actors materials I have are from dvd copies he was provided by the studios he worked for.
It may have a grey cloud around the legal area, but everyone knows therese reels are cut and distributed.

The difference is I believe that there is no fee collected when they are viewed, as it's not a showing.
Apparently it is allowed as a needed courtesy.

I also like that mpegstreamclip allows me to do a direct conversion to pro res, so I do not have to do further conversion or rendering .

Best, and Happy New Year to All!
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