Time Code on a FCP project

Posted by Delphinus 
Time Code on a FCP project
January 07, 2011 05:41PM
I want to add a visible time code to a project. I have nested it, but I cannot find the CGM Timecode/Reel filter in my FCP 6.0. Does it not exist in this version? Am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks.
Re: Time Code on a FCP project
January 07, 2011 07:13PM
It's under Effects > Video Filters > Video > Timecode generator, or timecode reader.

Re: Time Code on a FCP project
January 07, 2011 07:49PM
I was going to post that, but then I noticed he was asking about a CGM filter (a package I know nothing about). Do they have a timecode burn filter?

Also, if this filter is supposed to include reel names, how would that work, since the filter would be on a nest instead of the clips?

Re: Time Code on a FCP project
January 08, 2011 04:17AM
Derek is right.

Reel doesn't make any sense with nested sequences.
Also many of the CGM filters are not free and and none of them come with a standard FCP installation. But he can still use my free TCR Plus filter which is able to display the reel (and some other information).

Re: Time Code on a FCP project
March 15, 2011 04:11AM
I have a follow-up question to this. I'm trying to do the same thing.

I am editing some HDTV footage (sequence and clip settings are: 1920 x 1080i)

I am making a nested sequence and generating a TCR for a sequence. Exactly the way that it's demonstrated in this video:

However, when I apply the TCR, it looks as though I have to render the entire nested sequence which doesn't make sense. Even when I have rendered it, and I make changes to the original (non-nested) sequence I go back to the nested one and rendering is needed again.

I am in a 1920 x 1080i environment (same as the clips) and both sequences have settings that match exactly. (I checked)

I tried the same thing in a separate sequence I made of standard-def footage (went to Effects > Video Filters > Timecode Generator) and it was fine.



Could it be that the effect in the effects tab isn't HD? That seems impossible.
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