firmtek enclosure incompatible with Mac?

Posted by Ksite 
firmtek enclosure incompatible with Mac?
January 10, 2011 07:54PM

I have a firmtek/seritek esata enclosure for my 2x 1 TB harddrives. I am sadly learning that this enclosure is incompatible with my Macintosh. At this point I can invest another $127 in a Spyderhub or I can return this and purchase a single drive enclosure with Firewire ports (in considerably less expensive option). I already have 1 rocstor firewire enclosure. However I've heard through the tech rumour mill that these stand alone enclosures are not as reliable. Any opinions? Thanks.
Re: firmtek enclosure incompatible with Mac?
January 10, 2011 09:16PM
I'm not sure if I'm having a related problem or not, but I now (after updating to 10.6.6) cannot use the eSATA docking base I use for offloading files to bare HD's. The drive will sometimes be recognized but more often not when I'm attached using the SATA cable. If I use the USB cable (this is a dual interface dock), the drive will be recognized for a couple minutes and then self-eject the drive....weird.

Sorry if this is a threadcr*p but it seems slightly related to what's happening to you.

FCP 7.0.3, PPro CS5.5, MPro Octo 2.8, 16 gigs RAM, Matrox MXO2, Sony EX1
Re: firmtek enclosure incompatible with Mac?
January 11, 2011 02:46PM
How is it not compatible with your mac?

Here are the current mac drivers:


Chi-Ho Lee
Film & Television Editor
Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Instructor
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