mixing 1080p and 1080i on the same timeline FCP 7

mixing 1080p and 1080i on the same timeline FCP 7
January 20, 2011 12:04PM
Hi fugers

I am doing (2) 20 minute videos which are being shot primarily on the Canon 7D with some minor shooting on the Panasonic P2. Ingesting into final cut will be done with log and transfer using the appropriate plugins form Canon and Panasonic. I will set up my timeline initially with the 7D footage but am unsure how to handle the interlaced P2 footage on the same timeline. Do I need to convert the P2 footage to progressive and if so what is the best way to go about doing this. I believe if do not convert prior to editing I will need to render every P2 shot on the timeline each time I make a cut. Any advice would be appreciated.


Re: mixing 1080p and 1080i on the same timeline FCP 7
January 20, 2011 01:14PM
Why not shoot progressive? FCP will automatically deinterlace your shots if you insert an interlaced clip in a progressive timeline. Personally, I would deinterlace it properly if I have the time.

Re: mixing 1080p and 1080i on the same timeline FCP 7
January 20, 2011 02:26PM
Hey Strypes

Thanks for your response. We are shooting progressive on the Canon 7D but the P2 we are doing additional photography with doesn't have the capability it can only do 1080i and thus my quandary. If I cut the 1080i P2 material into the 1080p timeline I will need to render each time. How would you suggest changing the 1080i material to 1080p.


Re: mixing 1080p and 1080i on the same timeline FCP 7
January 20, 2011 02:40PM
Which panasonic p2 camera? If it shoots dvcpro hd, you can just as easily live with a light green rt timeline. To get even more rt performance, switch your render setting to 8 bit and motion effects to fastest.

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