Highlight video

Posted by goconnor 
Highlight video
February 09, 2011 07:50AM
I am currently doing a hightlight video for an individual in the school I teach at... I need to show them prior to the play developing and what I would like to do is to show them prior to the play but place some "glow" over them. I have done this before with using a circular matte but that closes off all the rest of the video. I would like the entire formation to show but place some highlight over the individual.

Does anyone have suggestions?
Re: Highlight video
February 09, 2011 10:56AM

Instead of Gaussian Blur on the top layer, you darken the bottom clip using Color Corrector or Opacity.

Re: Highlight video
February 09, 2011 02:16PM
What Derek said- although I didn't see "gaussian blur" in the post-- and don't forget to feather the edges of the matte, which helps create that glowing highlight effect. I simply double up the clips, matte the top, and lower opacity on the bottom clip.

- Loren

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Re: Highlight video
February 09, 2011 02:19PM
> although I didn't see "gaussian blur" in the post

The FAQ was designed for a Cops-style censorship blurring of an area, which he doesn't need here. But hopefully he'll get the general concept.

For the spotlight effect, yet another permutation of this concept is to invert the mask shape and put that filter onto a black colour matte on top of the image. Then adjust the Opacity of the black matte to determine how dark the non-spotlit areas are.

Re: Highlight video
February 09, 2011 02:26PM
Sorry, Derek, I missed the link. Makes sense, now.

- Loren

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Re: Highlight video
February 12, 2011 09:32AM
You can grab my free region blur plugin if that helps ... despite the name it will do this highlight thing too : [web.me.com]
Re: Highlight video
February 12, 2011 09:52PM
also check out the free Marcus Herick plugins: Vignette, and Face-Light.

FCP's own Vignette filter can be useful, but from memory has some drawback, like not being able to change the centre.

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