Hey, Andy.
Since we are still engaged to be married (it's true - see prior posts on this subject) here is my Valentine's Day gift to you:
I was looking at a post on "another" FCP board - cries of "shame" - and someone suggested a feature for FCP:
It would work like this:
Highlight an area in the timeline, hit COMMAND P or something - and FCP spits out a DVD of the selected area. Naturally all this is done in the background while one continues to edit.
Now how hard can that be?
I have an 8 core in which, apparently 6 of the cores are permanently snoozing unless I use Qmaster/Compressor.
Solution: Andy writes brilliant, small and fast little App and makes a fortune. For goodness sake, look at those guys at Pluraleyes. A great idea.
By the way, I invented non linear editing in 1967 while I was carrying piles of 1000ft film cans up and down Wardour Street in London from cutting room to screening room and back all day. So listen to Harry and make loads of money.
Good things to one and all -