Sizing on same photo different when saved in different format

Posted by ErikR 
Sizing on same photo different when saved in different format
March 14, 2011 02:11PM
Ok, that's probably a confusing title, but here's my issue. I have an original jpeg that's loaded into my sequence. In Photoshop, I created an alternate version of the photo where I'm trying to mask out a person in the photo and I saved it as a psd. I import the psd and the sizing is different when imported in FCP. Here's what it looks like:

The original jpg is on the right, and the masked psd is on the left. The psd is a little squeezed, but when I check their sizes in Photoshop, they are the same. I want to be able to lay the masked photo over the original so I can change he color of the girl, while leaving the guy the same. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

thanks in advance,
Re: Sizing on same photo different when saved in different format
March 14, 2011 08:03PM
Looks like an aspect thing. Load the pic into the viewer in FCP by selecting it on the timeline and hitting return, then go to the 'motion' tab, find 'distortion' and adjust the 'aspect' slider to correct it.

Re: Sizing on same photo different when saved in different format
March 14, 2011 10:03PM
Looks like that did the trick. Thanks a bunch.

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