adding multiple transitions at once

Posted by stefangs 
adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 07:07AM
hi all,

when i create a rough edit by dragging a bunch of clips from the browser to the timeline, can i apply the default transition to all of them at once too? right now i have a case where it would be quicker to do that and delete the transition where i don't want it instead of the other way round.


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 08:11AM
Select all the clips in the timeline and drag the transition onto it. Can't remember if it works that way as I'm not on fcp7 right now.
Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 08:48AM
Dragging or applying through the effects menu both work. Drag to the middle of a clip though, not a transition point. You'll see the clips change from brown to blue when you're in the right place to drop to all to all edits.

Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 09:35AM
If you already know you want the transition, drag the clips to the Canvas and drop them onto "Overwrite with Transition" or "Insert with Transition". I find it an inefficient way to edit, though. You end up filling the timeline with a lot more junk than you need. Without In-Out points on the clips, the transitions will also be screwed up -- probably one frame long each, because the clips won't have handles. And if you're going to add In-Out points one by one, you might as well edit them in one by one.
Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 03:48PM
thanks guys for the speedy replies!


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 04:15PM
and don't forget...

Apple T to add a transition on selected clips.
(oh, allright... Command T is the correct term, but Command and Control sound too similar for me)

Option Command T adds Audio Transitions

i have to admit that these keyboard shortcuts have got me into trouble lately.

used to be that it would simply add a Trans to the edit you were PARKED on (not actually selected),
and it still does.
but now it adds a transition to the entire SELECTION.

there have been times when i've had an in or out point on my timeline that defined a huge chunk as the selection,
and in that case the short-cut has added a transition ALL edits within that selection.

oh, well...
the lesson is to actually SELECT the edit point before using Command T or Command Option T.

Re: adding multiple transitions at once
March 31, 2011 07:05PM
Oh joy - I didn't even think about the apple option t working on all cuts at once now. That's gonna save me so much work next week on a show where I used to have to add a crossfade to almost every cut.

Re: adding multiple transitions at once
April 01, 2011 02:15AM
excellent, thank you!


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
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