Inserting time code into quicktime

Posted by Larry Garb 
Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:06PM
Does anybody know of a program that will allow me to insert time code into a quicktime video without making a new selfcontain video?
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:11PM
Okay, just to clarify, I think you mean an actual timecode track and not just a timecode burn (onscreen numbers)? I know QT Sync can add timecode burn, but not sure if it can add a real timecode track. (Corrections more than welcome)
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:11PM
Visual timecode (aka TCBI)?

QT Sync will do just this.
Makes a file that references your self contained file and you can use that to compress.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:15PM
Derek I don't think it can.

If you want to add actual TC to a QT you could always cut and paste it from another QT. It is just a formatted track in most QTs.

Or even just opening it in FCP, use the "Timecode..." menu function and it will add TC right into the QT. Might even warn you that you are going to modify the file directly. No need to make a new scQT.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:18PM
> If you want to add actual TC to a QT you could always cut and paste it from another QT.

Yeah, thought about that. But frame-rate issues, compatibility...gyerghhh! I think I'm too much of a wimp to ever try that. Rather import into a timeline, check all timecodes, and then re-export. I use QuickTime Cut-Copy-Paste as much as anybody, but timecode just isn't something I want to mess with there.
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:24PM
I don't need burnin code I need to change the time code that is currently on the time code track of the quicktime. What I'm doing it a recording into final cut using Non-controlable device. I then want to trim the quicktime clip using quicktime Pro to start at 1st picture and then want the timecode of that quicktime to start at hour 1:00:00:00.
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:29PM
Select the clip in the FCP browser and go to modify>timecode.
Anonymous User
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 04:53PM
dumpster maybe?
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 04, 2011 06:03PM
What's dumpster? You can modify the source clip in qt as I mentioned.
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 05, 2011 05:15PM
Have i've been away so long?

Here is your answer:

And yes, it does both normal QT TC tracks AND BITC, and it does BITC faster on a one hour show than it took me to write just this line.
And it does it in batch, and it does a lot of other things as well.

Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 06, 2011 04:29AM
That is brilliant... resurrected my copy of QTChange to try that out. BITC in no time. Presumably it's added a track that can be turned off with QTPro? This iMac only has QTX...

I think a neat app would be a QT player that played with BITC (pref outside the picture) for logging easy logging of QTs

it's tough to get my clients to figure out how to install QT7, upgrade to Pro then click the TC counter to show the real TC. Maybe you already have one Bouke?
Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 06, 2011 04:52AM
QTchange inserts a QT text track. (That's why it is so fast, it does not do anything with the video)
But of course that is not visible in FCP, but it is in QT player and a few other players.

For logging, i have made a logger, see here:

But from memory, it does not have a floating TC window.
(Tc is relative unimportant, as the app will take over the tedious job of typing it in.)

But here is a player that has a resizable TC window:

Used for transcribing, so you can control it from a text editor / spreadsheet and paste in the current TC with a single keystroke.

Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 06, 2011 07:53AM
>This iMac only has QTX...

You can install QT 7 from the Snow Leopard install disc or download it from the Apple website..

Re: Inserting time code into quicktime
April 06, 2011 08:09AM
Btw, nice set of tools, Bouke.
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