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New Final Cut Pro at Supermeet, April 12Posted by Sweditor
Check this out. Looks like Apple is taking over the whole event. Other sponsors (including Avid) have cancelled their presentations.
So Apple is really going to hype the new Final Cut for iPad?
![]() Apple heard Avid had stage time so they couldn't pass up the chance to boot them. They had to do it to everyone so it wouldn't look like they were targeting them. ![]() Apple will be introducing Grass Valley, the new owner of the Final Cut Suite. ![]() The NDA on Michael is so tight he can't wiggle his fingers enough to post here. ![]() I do hope they have enough server bandwidth for the live stream.
...but I can wiggle my finger! ![]() ![]() ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
Jude, your badge is in that drawer to your left, under that animatronic Tribble you made for craft credit in 1994 when you were 5. seewhatididthere?
BTW, kudos on your Jim Henson sig. When I get down the last thing I think before I pull myself out of the hole is that a world without Jim Henson still in it is a sucky place. Then I remember that the world is a better place because he was in it in the first place, and boom, like a Skeksis after a drink of Essence of Gelfling, I am renewed. ak Sleeplings, AWAKE! ![]()
So the supermeet site was just updated. All the speakers are gone and it says The Final Cut Pro User Group Network is excited to have a very special guest presentation at the 10th Annual Las Vegas FCPUG SuperMeet. Come to see a surprise sneak peek at something very special - you really do not want to miss this one! I understand that the guest will be special but why will the peeking be sneaky? ![]()
Andrew, one million geek points for referencing Star Trek and The Dark Crystal in one post. One million yay points for feeling the same way as I do about Jim Henson, the man who took the scary out of monsters. And one million ups from women everywhere for your terrible, terrible maths.
Oh, and I found the badge! Now, if there is a pony option on April 12, I might just implode. ![]()
Who cares how much it is as long as it's cool and stable. I'll still be excited if it's $1000...cause I know it will pay for itself on the very first gig.
I have never heard or felt such a buzz around the possible announcement of a product...and Michael & Dan Berube are smack in the middle of it. This is gonna push my Macbook Pro upgrade up for sure (probably 2 weeks). ...and my favorite childhood Sesame Street character = Mr. Snuffleupagus ![]() When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
Seriously... would Apple roll out a big preview/big announcement like this at the end of day 2 of a four day conference?
Last time wasn't the big event on Sunday mid-day, before NAB even launched? Wouldn't that make more sense? Also, didn't The Steve get my e-mail that I'm flying in Sunday morning (in anticipation of a repeat of the Sunday announcement) and flying out Monday night? And I won't even be there Tuesday? And reading the wrapup on Arstechnica isn't nearly good enough?
Avid was on the stage last year, as was Adobe and others. This year actually had the best lineup of speakers and I was really looking forward to the show.
We pretty much all expected that the show would close with some sort of presentation by Apple but to have them take over the entire event is actually disappointing for me. Particularly losing Kevin Smith, Philip Bloom and Alexis' presentations. I would have much preferred to see everyone at the event and then just let Apple close it out. Now basically Apple has to present the best Non Linear Editing system ever and they have to have the most incredible, flawless presentation ever. Anything less will not do. You completely take over an event, buy off all the other sponsors, just to show your own product, it better be the best damn product we've ever seen. If it turns out to be iMovie Pro (which is ahead in the early betting pool) not sure how that will fly. In fact, there's no way the product will be perfect. So half the audience will love it, about a quarter will like it and the other quarter or so will say "THIS is what they hijacked the show for? This is crap." If Apple wanted their own event, they could have very easily pulled together a Sunday presentation like they've done in the past and left the FCPUG Supermeet alone. Or at the very least did the final "surprise" presentation at the end. Hats off to Mike and Dan though for whatever it is they've been going through the past few days. Definitely feel bad for them to be thrown into this situation where you have to tell all your sponsors, "Thanks for all your support but we're gonna have to ask you to leave now." Walter Biscardi, Jr. Biscardi Creative Media biscardicreative.com
Hi Mike,
Whhhaaaaa? I could win a DaVinci panel???? I too would gladly go bananas on Skype for that. How do I get a grand worth of raffle tickets? Sigh. Sounds like it's going to be epic, though. Really looking forward to the breaking news and hope we get a repeat show at the IBC in September!!! Just waiting for registration to open on that one... Cheers, Clay
That's what I've been saying since yesterday Joey. Apple has to show us THE best Non Linear Editing application we've ever seen AND they have to have an absolutely flawless and entertaining presentation. Anything less could be the most epic fail in the history of NAB. Kind of like Apple's "presentation" last year.....
Studio Daily just did a fantastic write up of the incredibly negative PR this entire action by Apple has had on the rest of the community. Gotta feel for Mike, Dan and the rest of the guys who have built an incredible network of fans and sponsors who were put in a completely impossible position by one company that hasn't had all that much support of the team for a long time. [www.studiodaily.com] We're going to have a ticket to history next Tuesday night. What type of history remains to be seen. Glad I don't have to be in the middle of either putting this thing on or creating the presentation. Walter Biscardi, Jr. Biscardi Creative Media biscardicreative.com
I've heard the stream was canceled as it was mentioned in some places and now it's not.
One BIG problem with all this is that the supermeet site does NOT mention an Apple or Final Cut presentation. Leaving it shrouded in "special guest" and "something special" is really a counter productive restraint by Apple. There's no reason for Apple to hide under the illusion of veiled secrecy in this case. The entire presentation is bumped, at least Apple should have the professional courtesy to say why.
Wow, what a community, love you one minute,hate you the next, and you haven't done anything yet. I'd hate to have some of you guys for customers.
The way I look at it, Michael let them use his event because he felt it was worth it. Apple can't "highjack" this event they would need to convince Michael that this was an announcement worthy of canceling your other presenters. So I'm guessing its something majorly awesome. Sure they could do their own event and invite the people they feel worthy, but instead they've decided to treat the faithful, without regard to their status in the community. Got a ticket, you're in. Could this be an epic fail, anything is possible, but until proven wrong I'm going to believe that Apple loves us and wants to share something big, something everyone here's been screaming for, with the FCP community. Nice move Apple.
But there are still issues with how this is being handled.
People are paying for tickets to get in . . . and some in anticipation of specific presenters. If it's an Apple PR event they should cover the cost I'd think (but maybe they do have a "give back" in mind). The SuperMeet site makes no mention that the "special guest" is Apple either. If Apple wants to take over sponsorship I can't think of a PR/Marketing reason they'd want to hide that. It's possible that SuperMeet may have had a contractual commitment to Apple if they're a "sanctioned" Final Cut Users Group (and I have no idea that they are).
Considering the recent buzz, I think it is something major. I expect fireworks.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Can't hijack the event? You don't think so? What planet are you on? When the 1000 pound gorilla walks into the room you're convinced. You don't have a choice. Period. You're big footed.
Yes, they could do their own event. In the past they have done their own event, more than once. But they decided deliberately and callously not to do that, to spring this on Michael one week before the event. If you think they just decided to do this yesterday you're kidding yourself. It's been planned and scripted for some time. The script starts with we'll screw everyone connected with and sponsoring the Supermeet and go on from there. This is so typical of Apple's pathological paranoia. I'm sure it'll be great, but it completely sucks. It's just disgustingly bad manners if nothing else. Those involved, those who plotted this, should be ashamed of themselves. All the best, Tom
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