H.264 clips in FCP 4.5 - doable?

Posted by hybridd@aol.com 
H.264 clips in FCP 4.5 - doable?
April 12, 2011 02:11PM
Hi Folks,

I started a project using 1280X720 (half HD or whatever you call it) clips PhotoJPEG compressed/30fps (mono audio/16K). They played fine. I then got a new batch of clips shot with a different camera - same image size but H.264 compressed/29.97fps (stereo audio/48K). On playback they skip frames like crazy and are unusable.

This is probably an obvious problem to yall and i apologize for my ignorance having been out of the loop for a while, but is there an update/workaround I can use to be able to play these clips other than dragging them into a sequence and recompressing them and then cutting them up back into individual clips (there are 60 clips) - or upgrading to a new version of FCP. If I need to upgrade, what is the cheapest (oldest) version I need to get?

Thanks for your help guys,

Dean Chamberlain

= G4 PPC, DP 1.25 GHz, 1.75Gb, FCP 4.5 =
Re: H.264 clips in FCP 4.5 - doable?
April 12, 2011 02:53PM
> They played fine. I then got a new batch of clips shot with a different camera - same image
> size but H.264 compressed/29.97fps (stereo audio/48K). On playback they skip frames like
> crazy and are unusable.

You don't edit H.264 clips into a timeline. It's a delivery codec that drives FCP crazy. Convert it to a codec like DVCPro HD or ProRes first. Since you're using FCP4.5, DVCPro HD is pretty much your only standard HD option. I wouldn't use Photo JPEG if I were you. You can run Compressor on the individual clips, set one preset for them all, and convert all of them in one go.

Re: H.264 clips in FCP 4.5 - doable?
April 12, 2011 02:59PM
Oh man, thanks for getting back so quick! This forum rules! I'll give it a shot.
Re: H.264 clips in FCP 4.5 - doable?
April 12, 2011 06:41PM
Hmmmm - I converted the H.264 files into DVC PROHD 720p using Compressor. They original clips are 1280X720 but the converted clips are 1248X702 in Quicktime viewer and when I import them into FCP they become 960X720 and look smaller both in height and width - they're letterboxed on all 4 sides. I tried encoding them with pixel aspect set to both DVC PRO 720 and to square and it doesn't make any difference. Help!!!!



= G4 PPC, DP 1.25 GHz, 1.75Gb, FCP 4.5 =
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