Importing or opening DPX to FCP

Posted by kabokuti 
Importing or opening DPX to FCP
April 12, 2011 04:48PM

I received some DPX files which I need to convert to quicktime in order to use them in FCP.

I tried importing/opening them using FCP and Motion but nothing worked.

Anybody knows how I can work around this?

Thanks in advanced.


PS: I don't have After Effects.
Re: Importing or opening DPX to FCP
April 12, 2011 05:06PM


Hope that's helpful.

Re: Importing or opening DPX to FCP
April 12, 2011 05:21PM
You can also download a DPX to QT translator from AJA.
I have not had any issues with it.
Re: Importing or opening DPX to FCP
April 12, 2011 06:42PM
I'll second AJA's DPX to QT translator, although I think it caps out at 2k file sizes.

Another alternative would be to use Graphic Converter to batch convert the DPX to something else, like TIFFs. Then you'd be able to open them as an image sequence with QT or something else.
Re: Importing or opening DPX to FCP
April 19, 2011 02:47AM
Apple's workflow to work with DPX is to send it through Color (render to ProRes), then eventually conform it and do a full grade in Color. That or you could use After Effects and render it to ProRes. After Effects is simpler, and you can easily do the color space conversion, but it won't keep the source TC.

I hope FCP X has a more elegant workflow for this, though.
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