FCPro and Pro Tools 9

Posted by muffin app 
FCPro and Pro Tools 9
May 12, 2011 11:50AM
I am processing and archiving some audio tapes and plan to use some of the audio in FC Pro. Anyone know of compatibility issues with FC Pro and Pro Tools 9, since I am planning to learn that app rather than ST Pro, since both are equally opaque. Will the video in FC Pro work in PT 9 like it does in ST Pro. Thanks, muffin app

System: FC Pro 7.0.3 MacBook Pro dual, OS X 10.6.6, 4 GB RAM
Re: FCPro and Pro Tools 9
May 12, 2011 11:57AM

Will the video in FC Pro work in PT 9 like it does in ST Pro
Do you mean audio?

You can export from PT to anything, like AIFF 48/16 or AIFF 48/24 which will be fine in FCP. IF you want to capture in PT and use the exact same raw files in FCP you'll want to make sure they are similar file types and SR/BD as the stuff you're editing with. I would recommend though, capturing in PT and exporting what you need for FCP edits. You can record at a higher SR or BD and dither down for the edit.

SR= sample rate
BD = bit depth

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
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