Sony Camcorder HVR V1U no longer compatible with FCP?

Posted by johnnykai 
Sony Camcorder HVR V1U no longer compatible with FCP?
May 23, 2011 09:40PM
I just bought the new iMac and using FCP version 6.06.

The new iMac no longer supports Firewire 400. I only used the Firewire 400 when connecting to the older iMac and everything worked fine. The problem is the Firewire 800 port on the new iMac no longer recognizes the Sony camcorder. As soon as you plug in the Firewire 800 cable to the Sony - the external HD ejects itself and is no longer available on the desktop.

I have tried every possible combination with FCP but nothing works. I followed people's suggestion to do a SMC reboot - did not work.

Is there a solution to this?

Is the Sony camcorder no longer compatible with FCP?

Now the older iMac no longer recognizes the Sony camcorder - something changed. Was it an upgrade for FCP or an upgrade for the iMac OS system?

Does the Sonnet adapter for firewire 400 - firewire 800 work and some suggested?

Thank you,
Re: Sony Camcorder HVR V1U no longer compatible with FCP?
May 23, 2011 11:25PM
Have you tried a Sony Camcorder forum? I GOOGLED it:


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