Re-linking audio

Posted by harry323 
Re-linking audio
June 10, 2011 07:12PM
I should know how to do this. But I'm having a bad time with it.

The dailies on this show are all 3 frames out of sync. So I UNLINK sound and picture with Command L, then I shift the sound by 3 frames.

Now I want to re-link the sound and picture. Harrumph.

The only "help" information I can find tells me how to do this with individuals shots, not with an entire timeline full of dailies.

Help appreciated.


Re: Re-linking audio
June 10, 2011 07:35PM
Sadly, that's the way to do it, Harry. One by one.

Re: Re-linking audio
June 10, 2011 07:40PM

But thanks for the bad news, Jude,

Best wishes,

Re: Re-linking audio
June 10, 2011 11:24PM
i'm pretty sure you can UNLINK everything in one go,
and you can SLIP or MOVE all audio or pic in one go,
but you have to RE-LINK one by one.

that's in FCP.

Andreas Keil from Spherico Filmtools once made a small XML app which would link an entire FCP timeline.
i cant see it on his site.
might be worth contacting him if he doesn't see this.

Re: Re-linking audio
June 13, 2011 08:15AM

Depending on setup another option might be to put them all into a sequence, lock the video track, select all audio, hit + or - and then enter the offset.

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