FCP training

Posted by jdub 
FCP training
June 20, 2011 04:21PM

I just wanted to see if there were any opinions on facilities offering FCP training. I'm a freelance editor here in L.A., the classes are actually for my girlfriend who wants to get a going in a class room environment. After that I can help her dial in her skills and hopefully help her find jobs. I see that lafcpug offers some discounts to the following places All4dvd, DVcreators, moviola, and Weynard Training. We are currently doing research into all these places, and she has been talking to people at Video Symphony. I just wanted to see if anyone out there had any real world experience at any of these facilities.

Re: FCP training
June 20, 2011 04:28PM
I like moviola or Weynand

Michael Horton
Re: FCP training
June 20, 2011 05:25PM
+1 for Moviola.
Re: FCP training
June 21, 2011 04:28AM
I would have thought that the most cost efficient method of training would be to take up one of the no-pay craigslist offers. She'd soon get the hang of it, no cost involved and the potential of a credit on a major feature.

Re: FCP training
June 21, 2011 04:29PM
Video Symphony is one of the best schools, for sure. A bit biased, as I taught and was a student there going back to the 90's. High quality instructors too. I taught along with Larry Jordan and Christine Steele. You can't do better than that!
Re: FCP training
June 21, 2011 06:21PM
Thanks for all the replies!

@Trevora: I think one of those no pay situations could be her next step but I think a class or two will help her get a jump start so she feels more comfortable.

@Kevin: Good to hear. She did a tour of Video Symphony yesterday and was super excited when she got home. From the facility to the instructors and the job placement she was pretty impressed.

Re: FCP training
June 21, 2011 07:34PM
Steve Martin of Ripple Training has a 5 hour FCP X tutorial. I have been going through it, it's excellent. $39.00.


I also have a First Look at FCP X article by Steve.


I think that you'll recognize the screen shots.

Re: FCP training
July 11, 2011 11:57PM
I took a class at Video Symphony back in the 90's and they are great. The only thing is, is that they teach software operation ( editing cannot be taught, it's innate, you can only teach what the buttons do ) from an editing point of view and most everyone starts out as an assistant editor and the classes don't really teach AE stuff ( media management ) as much. I would imagine it would be pretty hard to get an editor gig without assisting first.
Re: FCP training
July 12, 2011 12:05AM
I would go where Christine Steele teaches; she's and amazingly talented (and sweet) lady. As for Ripple Training, you can't go wrong with anything that Steve Martin and staff do.

Re: FCP training
July 12, 2011 11:05AM
LYNDA.COM is a great resource at 25/month. Self-paced instruction. You just can't ask the teacher anything ;-)

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