Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley

Posted by clay 
Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
June 23, 2011 03:02PM
For some reason I had never seen the "batch export" option in the File menu. Using it will be a time-saver, though it surely won't save me as much time as the compressor batch/qmaster encoding has saved me.

Geesh, you would think I was blind or something. What other "new" features have you all found useful?
Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
June 23, 2011 03:06PM
Definitely useful for getting qt movies out. Also, it keeps sequence timecode or clip timecode, depending on what you're exporting. It's useful for merging multiple qt movies together.
Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
June 24, 2011 10:09PM
I use batch export for making quick sound file conversions form mp3 44.1K to PCM 48K AIFF!
Works a peach.

You can also use it to batch export markers in a sequence to turn 'em all into still frame dumps.

You can also batch export your career to China, with or without compression.

- Loren

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Temporarily mix down audio tracks with Command-Option - R !

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Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
June 25, 2011 11:24AM
you can use it to create and import 48Hz audio files from a 44.1 Hz CD on the desktop.

Oui Monsieur !
Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
July 02, 2011 01:57PM
How come batch export is grey'd out??
Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
July 02, 2011 02:19PM
You probably have nothing selected
Re: Late to the Party -- FCP 6 feature I just discovered smiling smiley
July 05, 2011 12:49PM
Here's a feature that I used to use only occasionally, but now I have been using it very very often- Compressor droplets. Compressor is a pretty powerful tool with access to a lot of settings (and I am glad Apple has not decided to find some middle ground and create a software similar to MobileMe in terms of execution).

Basically I create a setting in Compressor, and save it as a droplet, and AEs or just about anyone who is too lazy to figure their way around Compressor and different compressor settings, can drop their QT files into it and make compressed QTs to spec and fast (I have Qmaster set up to use a local cluster, and job segmenting turned on or off depending on the type of job).
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