Managing Archives and Active System Storage

Posted by J.Corbett 
Managing Archives and Active System Storage
June 23, 2011 03:03PM
I have about 7tb of archived sd footage. I keep it stored on shrunk wrapped HDD's inside of a a climate controlled storage cabinet. The drives range from 80g to 500g.
I was planning to move all of it to a newer set of drives, but i see that would be a at least a tri-anual duty. I want to keep all of the footage that i shoot.

So On this issue of archive, Is this my only option to maintain my achieves?

On my active system i have a total of 8tb. I average about 3tb of video, 1tb of audio, 500g of images. 2hdds have less than 10% of a TB used.

Other than images, the files are not on the same drive as i create 1 folder for all docs or files associated to a client, including media generated for websites that we design.

Is there any danger of running that much storage or Is there a safe level to attempt to maintain for a single bay?

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
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