Prores 422, transfer in FCP7....

Posted by Mark C 
Prores 422, transfer in FCP7....
July 28, 2011 10:05PM
I haven't edited in a while now, the last time I edited my clients sent me mini DV tapes and of course I did a "capture now" or log and capture. Now my client, who is out of state, wants me to send him a portable hard drive and he will send it back to me with, most likely, H 264 HD video. So, once I take the footage off of my portable HD and transfer it to my scratch disk (internal HDD) how do I import into FCP 7? Additionally, I am sure I want to transcode that H 264 to ProRes 422 (HQ I assume given the HD footage) is that done in Compressor or FCP 7? I did download stream clip, but isn't it done in FCP? Thank you very much...
Re: Prores 422, transfer in FCP7....
July 28, 2011 10:11PM
If you're receiving H.264 camera masters, I assume your client is shooting on DSLRs.

I don't recommend MPEG Streamclip for this operation. Make sure your client retains the complete, untampered file structure on each memory card he shoots and backs up.

First choice is Final Cut Pro's Log and Transfer, which can retain time-of-day timecode, and will also automatically retain the original frame size, frame rate, etc. Second choice is Compressor, but make sure the client is very meticulous about what settings he used (especially if, for example, he uses mixed frame rates and sizes). Compressor and MPEG Streamclip can both alter the spec of the media in undesireable ways.
Re: Prores 422, transfer in FCP7....
July 29, 2011 05:37AM
yeah, Log & transfer in FCP is the way to go.

there's a good video tutorial by Shane Ross about this, and FCP file-based workflow in general, here:

Re: Prores 422, transfer in FCP7....
July 29, 2011 07:01AM
Grinder is great as well

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