Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?

Posted by ericketson14 
Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 06, 2011 02:12PM
So I'm trying to get stills from some footage that was shot in HD; does anyone know what the best way is to go about doing this? I'm trying to get the highest resolution possible, but the only resolution I've been able to get so far (via exporting stills and screen capture) is 72 pixels. It just seems that if the footage is in HD, I should be able to get stills with higher resolution than what I'm getting so far.

Re: Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 06, 2011 02:20PM
You don't get 72 pixels. You get 1920x1080 pixels. How many inches you want on print is up to you.
Re: Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 06, 2011 05:53PM
which is what? 2 mega-pixels?
not super hi-res.

if you up the dpi in photoshop, doesn't the image size drop accordingly?

Re: Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 06, 2011 06:07PM
Which is why I said there is 1920x1080 pixels however you want to print it. It's not super high rez and PS defaults to 72dpi.
Re: Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 06, 2011 06:54PM
If the video was shot interlaced then for best still export first deinterlace the video using spatio-temporal deinterlacing. For example, transcode with Compressor to an uncompressed codec with Output Fields: Progressive; Deinterlace: Best (Motion compensated).

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
Re: Can I get high resolution stills from HD footage?
September 07, 2011 11:14AM
You cannot get a higher resolution than what was captured. It is not possible. 1920 x 1080 @ 72 dpi is it. Sure you can blow them up...but they will soften.

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