Importing Photoshop Files into FCP 7

Posted by rogarguello 
Importing Photoshop Files into FCP 7
September 30, 2011 10:37AM
Hey all,

So I'm trying to import a text logo from photoshop into FCP 7 timeline. what i get is the text, which is in white, over black. i can't key the black out or anything. i need to have the text background transparent.

any thoughts?
Re: Importing Photoshop Files into FCP 7
September 30, 2011 10:43AM
Open the file in Photoshop and resave it. Layers sometimes aren't recognized by FCP because of compatibility issues. Resaving takes care of it 90 per cent of the time. If it doesn't work, add an Alpha channel to the image in Photoshop and save it under a new name.

You can key out the black in any clip or image. You just don't want to because a key doesn't give results as clean as an alpha channel or proper discreet layers.
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