"An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie"

Posted by harry323 
"An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie"
November 01, 2011 12:48PM
Hail, O Wise Ones.

I've been working on a film shot in HDV. Then got I got a quick job in Pro Res. Then back to the HDV job.

So I reset everything back to HDV and opened the HDV project only to find that some horrible corruption has occurred and, although the timeline is intact and the .mov files are still present and I can see their file sizes, they will not load into FCP 6.0.6.

When I go to the HDV Capture folder and attempt to open a file into Quicktime by double clicking on it, I get this nasty message: This movie could not be opened, "An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie".

It's inconceivable to me that every single HDV clip has been corrupted because the backup HDV files won't open either.

I've reinstalled FCP and the System (10.6.8) but the problem persists.

Can anyone help?


Re: "An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie"
November 01, 2011 01:50PM
Somebody else just asked this exact same question. Check there.


Re: "An invalid public movie atom was found in the movie"
November 01, 2011 03:37PM
Thanks, Derek.

The difference is that the other thread is, as far as I understand, referring to capture or transfer from the camera to computer.

I have already captured this stuff from a Firestore FS-C over the past 5 months. It is only now, after changing my settings for the last few days to do a ProRes job, that I come back to this and find that the files are unreadable.

However, I've been messing around and I find that these wretched HDV files are perfectly readable when I boot from a LEOPARD (not Snow Leopard) drive.

It is only under Snow Leopard that I now can't open them.

I have, as I said, reinstalled Snow Leopard, Trashed Prefs, reinstalled FCP 6.0.6, run Disk Warrior and Disk Utility. I have also made sure that I am running ProApps 5.1 and not Pro Apps 6, which completely messes up my FCP.

This is sudden and weird. If you have any bright ideas - however outlandish - please let me know and I will come to your house in order to be your eternal slave.

Thanks for the reply.


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