Upgrading old version of FCP to new Macbook Pro

Posted by dougjones 
Upgrading old version of FCP to new Macbook Pro
January 03, 2012 04:51PM
I have an old mac that has served me well and has FCP 4.0 on it. I received a new Macbook Pro for Christmas. My version of FCP will not load. I was told my Apple that I need "an upgrade to FCP 2009 Studio 3" but that they no longer sell it.

I am not particularly interested in the newest version of FCP since I don't want particularly like the new interface. I am also concerned about compatiblity between the work I do on my new Macbook Pro and a decades worth of work on my G5 with FCP 4.0.

Short of plunking down another grand for a complete new suite of Studio 3 which I was told Apple still sells, can anyone offer suggestions so I can use this new kick-ass computer and have the work I do on my Macbook Pro transfered over to my external drives and also work with it on my old FCP 4.0 G5 setup.

Thanks in advance.


Doug Jones
Re: Upgrading old version of FCP to new Macbook Pro
January 03, 2012 07:57PM
Sorry, FCP 4.0 will never work on your new machine. It simply will not work on Intel computers. FCP 5.1 was the first to be able to do that. You either need to keep using the old software on the older machine, or get the newer software for the newer machine.

And if you want to work on your OLDER projects with newer software, FCP 7 (Final Cut Studio 3...Studio 2009...) is your best bet. FCX, the latest version Apple offers, does NOT open any previous version project. It is completely different.


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Re: Upgrading old version of FCP to new Macbook Pro
January 04, 2012 04:52PM

Thanks for the explanation. So it is the intel processor. Makes more sense to me now. I appreciate the response.


Doug Jones
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