OT-Old Day Editing Systems

Posted by mark@avolution 
Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems
February 20, 2012 03:27AM
When I first started work I was using the the old green 35mm. Moviola with the 'antlers' on top. I then moved over to 35mm. 4 and 6 plate Steenbecks with the Italian CCIR tape splicer. Never could get the hang of those funny block splicers you chaps in the USA used, kept cutting my fingers. Picsync's were a useful addition too. I also had a 3/4" tape to tape offline system at that time. After that in the early '90's when it was all going non linear, I bought a Lightworks system and over the years worked up through to Heavyworks and the Lightworks VIP. When that finally blew up I went for Final Cut Pro. I still use FCP but haven't made the jump to 'X'.

Many Thanks

Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems
February 20, 2012 12:27PM
A small piece of my 1970s-vintage 16mm 4-gang synchronizer/etc editing days lives on. I used a homebuilt trim bin with a lower box built from 1/2-inch plywood. When I no longer needed the bin, I cut down the box and used it as the basis for the paint spray booth in our hobby room. Every time I use the spray booth I think of those editing days and say another silent thank-you to the FCP gods and their ilk.

Jeff Johnston
Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems
February 21, 2012 01:23AM
Terry writes-

[kept cutting my fingers.]

LOL. Well, they say, editing begins with you.

[When that finally blew up I went for Final Cut Pro.]

I still have a Version D. thick manual AND my Shark tiepin. And I never cut anything on it!

You're aware that's back on the desktop through EditShare?

- Loren

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Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems
February 21, 2012 10:41AM
Awhile back, I was given a 35mm upright Moviola, gang sync, squawk box, and hot splicer. I keep them in my editing room as decorations ( it's big, and I like clutter.)

Mercifully, I missed ever having to actually use a Moviola- the thing looks like a real finger-eater. I did use the gang sync and hot splicer, though- having neg cut a film once.
A film.

What about EditDroid?
February 23, 2012 12:22PM
I actually cut a trailer for a film I was assisting on this George Lucas-financed machine. It used multiple Laserdisks which you burned yourself from a beta of your dailies. It worked on 30 minute loads so you had to be very strategic about where you burned your dailies if you were working on something longer than a promo. We tried to use it on a TV movie and gave up after a couple of days because of glitches and went back to Montage. The awesome thing was the controller which I think was offered separately later on for AVID, wasn't it?
Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems
March 02, 2012 01:18PM
[You're aware that's back on the desktop through EditShare? - Loren]

Hi loren - Yes, I'm waiting for the mac version and I might have a go to see how much it's changed.

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