System Settings question.

Posted by Walter Uhrik 
System Settings question.
February 28, 2012 11:15AM
is it possible to set things in System Settings in FCP 7 so, that after setting all items under Scratch Disks tab it will always send media, render files and autosaves to the folders that you choosed for them in the very begining, I mean could be the setting remembered for a particular project? Or is it necessary to reset it back each time you switch from one project to another? Thanks.
Walter Uhrik,
Re: System Settings question.
February 28, 2012 11:23AM
Settings are user based, not project based. You have to reset it for every project. Been requested many times, never happened, and I guess now it never will.

All the best,

Re: System Settings question.
February 28, 2012 02:23PM
Thanks for the explanation. I just thought it would be a nice feature not to have to go to System Settings as you are switching between your projects.
Re: System Settings question.
February 28, 2012 03:31PM
Walter Uhrik Wrote:
> I just thought it
> would be a nice feature not to have to go to
> System Settings as you are switching between your
> projects.

Preference Manager from Digital Rebellion does exactly what you want:
Re: System Settings question.
March 05, 2012 07:42AM
Thanks Mike. PM just downloadedsmiling smiley
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