Camera and FCP

Posted by datuftee 
Camera and FCP
March 01, 2012 09:37AM
Right now I film a few dance recitals a year and the occasional project of my own or a friends. I use a Sony TRV950 and FCP 5 on a PPC and everything works fine. I recently bought a new iMac and downloaded the 30 trail for FCP X (which I havent launched yet). I am wondering do I upgrade to a new HD camera and buy FCP X or just keep using what I have been using? If I upgrade, what camera would you suggest? Also, what changes to my workflow will I need to make as far as getting footage to my iMac? Thanks for all your suggestions!
Re: Camera and FCP
March 01, 2012 06:39PM
Step one would be to open the FCPX trial and see if you like using it. Then you'll have a clearer path about which way to go from there.

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