Arri Alexa Workflow
March 07, 2012 11:26PM
In March I am starting a project shot on the Arri Alexa, we'll be shooting in LogC. I want to set up the easiest fastest workflow...dont we all.

I have been looking into, Nick Shaw?s FCP 7 plugin for viewing ARRI ALEXA LogC. Which uses some preset LUt's setup by NS I gather.

There is also somethign called Blubell, but it looks dicey. It uses LUts created from the Arri webtool and Color.

I am open to any suggestions. Also I am looking for an Asisstant Editor to do this work in Akron, OH (We Need to Hire a Local) between March 18th-April 9th.

[] (My Reel)

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Re: Arri Alexa Workflow
March 08, 2012 05:40AM
I haven't worked with the Arri Alexa yet, but I'm interested in the workflow. There are some tools that you could look at:

LUT Buddy:

Nor sure how about applying a filter on all your clips during offline editing. However, I guess you can batch export them with the LUT applied and later conform it in the Resolve.

Resolve Lite:

I am wondering if it is possible to do a 1 light in the Resolve Lite and then conform it back to the raw Arri files for the grade. Haven't done this before, but it could be an option...
Re: Arri Alexa Workflow
March 11, 2012 04:27PM
Oliver Peters is getting into Alexa on his blog. Some nice stuff there overall.

Re: Arri Alexa Workflow
March 12, 2012 10:44AM
For starters, go straight to the source:

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