Marker questions

Posted by ianedit 
Marker questions
May 21, 2012 09:37PM
I am trying to replicate my Avid workflow for long from docs.

What I do in Avid is I string out all of my material in the order it was shot ( you can do this past twelve hours of material if your playlength toggle is on ) and I go through and put black locators at the top of every scene, naming the scene in upper case and red locators within the scene in lower case for stuff I like with characters names and stuff. Then I open my locator window and if I sort by locator number I have essentially a table of contents for all of my material for my entire project in the order it was shot. I also tend to throw that sequence into my source monitor and do a search by locator for a character by name and hit apple g which is "find again" and I can quickly plow through and find every time that character appears. I also label things the same way so if I sort alphabetically in the locator window all of my b roll locators fall in a line and I can plow through all of my b roll that way without having to make select sequences.

I do know that there is no locator window in FCP but I know that allot of docs, actually most docs are cut on FCP and was wondering what are some of the more logical and efficient ways to organize your footage in terms of markers. The goal is to be able to do global searches and sorting by what you have typed into the marker notes with all of your footage laid out into a single sequence. I am thinking the search will be easier than the sort unless sequences give the same marker drop down menu in the project window that clips do then I could just open them all up and sort by name but that is allot of clicking.

Re: Marker questions
May 22, 2012 01:17AM
command F and command G should work in your timeline or bakc in the browser if you've marked on the clips rather than the timeline, unless I'm not understanding something about your workflow. Try 'find next' if 'find all' is not working.

Also, make sure your markers are 'open' in the browser. The small black triangle next to the clip with markers on it needs to be twirled down in order for the search to highlight the marker correctly.

You can also use 'f' to match frame and call your original clip into the viewer once you've found it on sequence.

Personally if I can I like to name all my clips in a meaningful manner and then just do a search in the browser, but of course sometimes there isn't time for that.

Re: Marker questions
May 22, 2012 04:23AM
Subclip it and log it? When it comes to big picture organization, I tend to get the clips logged. For more details, I tend to use sequences with markers for selects.

If you are marking a clip in the timeline, as opposed to sequence markers, you can drag them back into a bin. But that gets messy, to me at least.
Re: Marker questions
May 27, 2012 11:36PM
Thanks guys I'll have to try those things out. One of these days I'll read the actual FCP manual but it's so much easier to get answers here. I get like one FCP job per year so I never really get fluent, every time I start a project I feel like I am starting over and end up here with basic questions smiling smiley

Although I don't know if it's wise to invest time in reading a manual for software that can't be purchased anymore sad smiley
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