Off loading footage directly off the camera?
June 04, 2012 10:16AM
We have a p2 deck but it's on the fritz. So I need to try to off load already recorded footage off the p2 while in the camera to FCP7. How do I do this?

I have a....

Panasonic HPX 3000
FCP 7.0.3
Mac OS X, version 10.6.8

Thanks everyone!
Re: Off loading footage directly off the camera?
June 04, 2012 10:43AM
I don't know about other models, but the HVX-200A connects directly to a computer. Just have to go into a specific mode (can't remember its name off the top of my head). Read the manual.
Re: Off loading footage directly off the camera?
June 05, 2012 07:36AM
The camera manual is your best reference:


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