Exporting from FCP 7.0 to play via USB Drive on TV at conference

Posted by Ash@AP 
Exporting from FCP 7.0 to play via USB Drive on TV at conference
July 08, 2012 10:24PM
Hi - was just wondering what the best export settings for high quality and best playback via FCP 7.0.

The video will be shown on AWISA - TV MONITOR - via a usb drive that is plugged into it.

Any help would be really appreciated.
Re: Exporting from FCP 7.0 to play via USB Drive on TV at conference
July 08, 2012 11:34PM
Not too many formats will play full frame rate from a USB Flash drive (if that's what you mean - not very clear). I would say a full size 8 to 10mbps H264 would be your best bet.

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