Can not find FCP 6.02 on Apple Upgrade page

Posted by mark@avolution 
Can not find FCP 6.02 on Apple Upgrade page
August 13, 2012 08:48AM
This was a non-issue, but I fixed it by upgrading with the 2008-01 Pro Apps update.

Wait there is a 2008 upgrade on that page, I will try that first.

This may be a non-message!!

It is early here right now!

My Mac G5 died last week, so I got a "new" old one.

I have started to upgrade the apps either through Software upgrade or
manual search. Motion is sitting at 3.02, but FCP is sitting at 6.01

When I go to the Apple Download page I log in to download FCP 6.02
then it brings a page up that only has 6.06, which is not installable,
as FCP is sitting at 6.01.

I need 6.02 for XDCAM support.
Re: Can not find FCP 6.02 on Apple Upgrade page
August 14, 2012 09:34AM
Have you tried using software update? Run the ProApps and QT upgrades too. Which OS are you on? You can try running a combo update for your OS.
Re: Can not find FCP 6.02 on Apple Upgrade page
August 14, 2012 10:19AM
I got it all fixed, the upgrade was hidden in a 2008-01 upgrade on the Apple page.

Thanks, it is all fixed now!
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