Archive Workflow

Posted by geepeepee 
Archive Workflow
August 23, 2012 04:25PM
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon 8 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM FCP 7.0.2

For the last 4 years we have been using LTO3A for our project & media archiving. The compination of the 400 GB tape cartridge limit and problems recently of it limiting my usage to around 250 GB per tape has put us over the edge. We need a solution that is dependable, works and can work for Final Cut, Avid Media Composer and Flame. I'd love

Re: Archive Workflow
August 24, 2012 04:55PM
LTO-4 (800 GB) and LTO-5 (1.5 TB) will both read LTO-3 tapes. Or were you looking for a non-tape based solution?

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
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Re: Archive Workflow
September 10, 2012 10:52AM
Hi, Jon.

I'm still of the school that data tape is still the most reliable. It's just that our current mac/LTO3a experience is C- at best. I suspect we will move to LTO-5 unless someone has a better idea.

I'm just, also, wondering what other folks out there in the editing world are using for archiving. Thanks.

Re: Archive Workflow
September 10, 2012 05:41PM
I'm interested in this too, even for a one-man shop. Right now I archive everything on drives. I have to power them up every year to refresh the charge.

I always thought optical was a good 25-year solution when stored in CDD (Cool, Dark and Dry) location, does this still hold? Is anybody making a very high density archive optical solution? Be faster than tape.

Best, as always,
Loren S. Miller
Home of KeyGuide Central
Re: Archive Workflow
September 11, 2012 07:56AM
Hey, Loren.

Optical disc don't over me enough storage capacity. Even with blue-ray you only get 25GB/50GB. I'm struggling with my 400GB LTO3A tapes only letting me store 250GB before saying they're full. But, even the 400GB's would not be sufficient for some of my multi-camera projects that are over 600GB even after I consolidate in Media Manager in Final Cut Pro. The problem with drives is that they are just not dependable enough to put your full weight down on, so to speak. Drive failure is common place. If you have it duplicated on two drives, maybe. But, who's gonna do that? Ha!

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