Merged Clips, Subclips, and Automatic Duck
September 18, 2012 06:08PM
With merged and multiclips the clips contain all of the media with in and out points marked. So even though I cut off before the slate and after cut, all that junk is still there outside my in and out points. Meaning if I create new in and out points on that clip, and I want to jump back to the beginning, it goes to black screen with all the audio crap recorded before the slate. If I create a subclip, it takes out all that extra stuff.

I might need to use Automatic Duck later to take the project from FCP7 to Avid. So my question is: should I create subclips from the merged clips or just leave as is? Subclips would be easier to work with. My concern is that it will create some kind of chaos when converting for Avid. Automatic Duck says merged/multi/sub clips are all supported, but I'm not sure I trust it.

Any thoughts?
Re: Merged Clips, Subclips, and Automatic Duck
September 18, 2012 10:57PM
Do a test.

Not sure what you will be doing, but you plan to send the whole project or just the sequence?
Re: Merged Clips, Subclips, and Automatic Duck
September 19, 2012 12:32PM
Will probably send the whole project.
Re: Merged Clips, Subclips, and Automatic Duck
September 19, 2012 04:40PM
It's probably going to be tough and it won't be elegant. You can send a sequence with Automatic Duck, but not the rushes, as Avid uses a very different bin and file structure from FCP- Avid creates a file for each bin, whereas FCP creates bins within one project file. Avid and FCP also handles master/affiliate clip relationships differently.
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