Filter Instance versus Filter Copy

Posted by mark@avolution 
Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 15, 2012 02:57PM
When you copy the filter attributes from one clip to another, you are always creating two unique filters
that are imdependant of each other, rather than instanced to each other.

For example, In 3ds Max
you have the option of instancing an effect (called a modifier in 3dsMax) or copying the effect.

So, with an instanced effect (let's say a bend of 45 degrees along the x axis) applied to a Box primitive.

If you have two boxes with an instanced effect, if you change the angle of one, the angle changes in the instanced

I am writing this, as I had to manually change the angle of a color correction from 42.5 degrees to 50 to remove the
red from a sepiatoned effect in FCP.

I had to do this for the mids and the highs, on about 100 clips.

I thought to myself, wouldn't it nice if FCP would alow you to instance an effect, with the option of copying the
effect, as well.

Just saying....
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 15, 2012 03:14PM
Yea. If that's the only filter you have on, you can remove attributes and then copy and paste the filter onto the clip.

I think someone had an app that lets you strip out a specific effect from your sequence. Not sure if it's around anymore.

That said, in the other NLEs, you can apply the filter to an adjustment layer and that will affect all clips underneath it.
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 15, 2012 03:18PM
I could have also nested the movie, and applied the sepia color correct to this,
this simulating an adjustment layer.

As there were three effects, desat, brightness and contrast (unique to each clip)
and then the CC Sepia tone, the remove attributes, copy/paste attributes was not an option.

Does FCP X have the option of instanced effects?

I found this link in regards to what I needed to do:

strypes Wrote:
> Yea. If that's the only filter you have on, you
> can remove attributes and then copy and paste the
> filter onto the clip.
> I think someone had an app that lets you strip out
> a specific effect from your sequence. Not sure if
> it's around anymore.
> That said, in the other NLEs, you can apply the
> filter to an adjustment layer and that will affect
> all clips underneath it.
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 15, 2012 03:39PM
>I could have also nested the movie, and applied the sepia color correct to this,
>this simulating an adjustment layer.

IMO, nesting in FCP 7 was a bit of a failure, because when you want to edit something, you'll have to step into nests.

Yes, the XML workaround is very helpful. Saved my bacon a few times. But Nick's solution is very interesting.
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 16, 2012 02:57AM
strypes Wrote:
> I think someone had an app that lets you strip out
> a specific effect from your sequence. Not sure if
> it's around anymore.

Project Overview can do this:

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Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
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Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 16, 2012 12:22PM
A somewhat manual approach is to export your project as an XML. Using a word processor find the first occurrence of the parameter you need to change. Make the change then use the find and replace feature of the word processor to chug though the rest of the file. Finally re-import the XML. This can be a little daunting, especially finding that first string that needs to be changed, however it works and is WAY quicker than making >100 individual changes.
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 19, 2012 10:47AM
Alright, maybe I'm not grasping the entire scenario. But, why not cut and paste that one filter (option V and choosing filter ) to all 100 clips highlighted? Grant it, it there's the tedium of going through and clicking on the clips you want to effect. If your first clip that you set the filter parameters on has other filters, then just slap that one filter on a slug and copy that clip's attributes for your pasting.

But then, something tells me I'm missing something.

Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 19, 2012 10:58AM
> something tells me I'm missing something.

You're missing the fact that every clip needs a different combination of settings, in addition to the one setting that he's changing across the board.
Re: Filter Instance versus Filter Copy
November 24, 2012 03:08AM
So if I get this right, it's a feature request to create an affiliate-master relationship for effects. Interesting idea, maybe they'll apply it to FCPX.

- Loren

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