Converting .CPI files to .mov files

Posted by Captain K 
Converting .CPI files to .mov files
December 17, 2012 11:35AM
My friends Mac is running on MAC OS X 10.4.11 and wants to edit .CPI video files but he can't because it doesn't support them. Is there anyway to convert those files to .mov files for him to edit them. Thanks.
Re: Converting .CPI files to .mov files
December 17, 2012 06:46PM
To the best of my knowledge .CPI files are not video clips, they're just some of the extra data that comes with shooting on card. What camera did they come from? Check to see if there are any .mts or .mpg or .mov files or anything else that might be a video clip in the folder.

Re: Converting .CPI files to .mov files
December 20, 2012 12:32PM
We looked through all the files and found none. The camera we use is a Canon VIXIA HF R300
Re: Converting .CPI files to .mov files
December 20, 2012 07:05PM
Did you shoot AVCHD? IF so, you want to connect it to the computer, turn it on, open FCP and choose 'Log and Transfer' from the menu, not 'log and capture'. Then find the volume, mount it and import it. It can be a bit confusing at first, so maybe look for a tutorial on how to import AVCHD via Log and Transfer.

Re: Converting .CPI files to .mov files
December 18, 2018 02:26AM
iDealshare VideoGo also helps to convert .cpi files to .mov
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