timeline bug in snow leopard?

Posted by bruce7 
timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 12:38PM
Recently upgraded to snow leopard and still running fcp 7.0.3.
Noticing that the timeline is not displaying accurate time anymore.
Footage is 23.98. Sequence setting is DVCPRO HD 1080p30.
Yet footage in the timeline has 29 frames per second instead of 24.
Duration in browser for a clip does not match duration in the timeline.
A one second clip in the timeline shows 1.06 duration in the browser.
Anyone else seen this? What's the solution?

Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 01:26PM
>Footage is 23.98. Sequence setting is DVCPRO HD 1080p30.

You need to use the Dvcpro HD 1080p24 preset.

Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 01:39PM
Maybe that's it. I had to recreate my Kona card easy setup after the clean
install of snow leopard and may have selected the wrong preset. I'll give it
a try and report back.
Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 01:52PM
Checked out my easy setup and it's the same as before I upgraded to snow leopard
because I did a screen grab of the audio/video settings before for reference.
The sequence setting is Kona LH: 1080psf 23.98 DVCPro HD 1080p30.
This is a custom setting that we use. But something changed in the transition to
snow leopard. BTW, DVCPRO HD 1080p24 is not a compressor option.
Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 02:04PM
Nested sequences in timeline. Duration in browser Duration in timeline reads Never had this problem before. New sequences that are not nested display correct duration in browser and timeline.
Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 02:59PM
Use the DvcproHD 1080p24 sequence preset.

Create a new sequence set to this preset, then copy and paste everything into that new sequence. You won't be able to change the timebase when clips are already in the sequence.

Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 04:01PM
Same thing happens. The original timebase is 23.98. And the sequence preset is 23.98.
I just checked this out on an edit system still running 10.5 (leopard) and it works correctly.
If you home the playhead to the beginning of a sequence and go + 1, in leopard it displays, but in snow leopard it displays

If you go +29, in leopard it displays, in snow leopard it displays

It's a bug.
Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 18, 2012 10:49PM
> And the sequence preset is 23.98.

Sequence Preset is not the same as Sequence Settings. Sequence Preset only affects Sequences created in the future. My guess is that you didn't change the frame rate of the Sequence at all. Press COMMAND-0 with the Sequence selected or opened to access Sequence Settings. And as strypes mentioned, to change the frame rate of a Sequence, it must be empty.

Re: timeline bug in snow leopard?
December 19, 2012 01:26AM
Is timebase set to 23.98? Is DF timecode unchecked?

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