Weird audio levels bug
December 19, 2012 10:21AM
First time I'm seeing this issue.. I'm doing an audio mix with merged clips. For some reason, there are some clips where I can't get the audio adjustment to stick. Eg. track one is clip on mic, track 2 is boom (which has more atmos), so I bring up the levels for track 1, and lower the levels for track 2, and copy and paste the attributes for the first clip in track 1 across the track, then I do the same for track 2. So then I zoom into the timeline, and a bunch of clips on track 1 have the audio levels similar to the setting in track 2.

So after trying to get track one louder than track two for a while to no avail, I went in and manually adjusted the audio level of one of the problematic clips (on track 1), then I zoomed out in the timeline, then zoomed back in, and the levels on the clip on track 2 has somehow been magically changed.

I've dumped the preferences, I've copied and pasted the sequence into a new FCP project, and it's still happening.. Anyone saw this before?
Re: Weird audio levels bug
December 19, 2012 10:33AM
Have you tried Modify - Make Independent? And the audio clips aren't linked, right?

Merged clips are such a pain in the ass. So unpredictable and erratic in their behaviour. I don't think the designers of FCP ever figured that it would be handling this many audio sources. As painfully tedious as it may sound, I wonder if you're stuck having to retrieve the original audio files (before they were merged) from the sync timeline. Just thinking about that operation makes my stomach turn.
Re: Weird audio levels bug
December 19, 2012 10:57AM
>Have you tried Modify - Make Independent?

I just tried it. Copied and pasted the cut into a new sequence. Nope. Still shows up

>And the audio clips aren't linked, right?

Nope. I un-stereo linked and also unlinked them already.

The levels stick if both of them have the same volume settings applied. I don't know if it's a merged clips thing, or that I'm working off a media managed/trimmed project. Both are equally wonky. I realized that if the easy setup was not set to the frame rate you are working in (NTSC project in a PAL country, so some editor set it to a PAL framerate, and I tried running MM), the audio will come back out of sync, and some clips will be offline.

>I wonder if you're stuck having to retrieve the original audio files (before they were merged) from the sync timeline

Thanks. Seems like it has something to do with merged clips. I can do a "show matchframe in source", mark in on that clip, and do an overwrite edit on it, and the settings seem to stick after that.

Well, merged clips is what you use when you have dual system sound, that or you won't be using the viewer/source monitor for anything that has nat/sync sound.
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