Drives drives drives -- what is a good high capacity setup?

Posted by Jeff Nelson 
Drives drives drives -- what is a good high capacity setup?
January 18, 2013 09:01PM
I have 7 CalDigit VR2's and SO MANY cables and cords because of that. What a mess to look at! That's cause I just bought another when I needed some more room.

Now I'm thinking to get some major storage to simplify my work space and try to sell these smaller drives (though they're great).

What recommendations does anyone have for some massive storage for a home office? What do you guys have who need to store a lot of hours? Thanks.
Re: Drives drives drives -- what is a good high capacity setup?
January 20, 2013 04:34AM
I use a toaster style drive dock these days, and drop in internal hard drives for each client. That gives you up to 3TB per drive, unlimited storage and just one cable. Sadly, the quality of the casings always seems to be a bit dodgy, although they work well enough.

No recommendations on brands, really, and of course it's JBOD.

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