MTS conversion software?

Posted by harry323 
MTS conversion software?
March 04, 2013 08:17PM
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been given a couple of MTS files to edit. Is there a reliable cheap way to transcode these files?

I have discovered that MPEG Streamclip doesn't want to do this and they are un-importable into FCS.

Not terribly keen to pay for new software for one tiny little job, but if I must then I must.

Advice please.

Your slave,

Re: MTS conversion software?
March 04, 2013 08:48PM
FCP7 Log and Capture. Or, ClipWrap for $50.
Re: MTS conversion software?
March 04, 2013 11:04PM
If you happen to Adobe Media Encorder that will do it.

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