Upping a clips resolution*

Posted by Wanted Man 
Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 03:47AM
I'm putting together a compilation reel, but some of the material i was only able to access at a smaller resolution - 854 x 480, so the other stuff included in the reel from 1920 x 1080 etc has been scaled down to this sequence size.

Final delivery will be vimeo which automatically displays at a higher size.

My question therefore is how may i up-res the sequence, is it possible? Budget is zero i'm banking on free web-tool and/or perhaps Compressor advice (?)

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 09:28AM
1. I have had great results from RGS Instant HD: [www.redgiant.com]

2. I have had great success taking a ProRes 422 QT sequence export and exporting it from QT Pro to 1080 Prores with a minor (visual) hit - looks great.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 11:14AM
Hi Joey,

1 - looks good but this is zero budget, so no can do.

2 - what were the dimensions of your sequence prior to you exporting it to 1080 Prores? would it be possible to do the same with my 854 x 480 sequence?

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 11:17AM
1280x720 to 1920x1080. You will have to test.

$99 is out of your budget? You can't put a price on quality...unless quality is not an issue.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 02:36PM
try compressor,
in frame controls set scaling to "best"

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 02, 2013 02:53PM
I don't get your initial logic. Why are you downscaling your HD material and then blowing it back up? You should be editing in a 1920x1080 timeline. Use Compressor to convert the 854 x 480 clips to fit. That way you just export straight from the timeline at current size.

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 03, 2013 02:53AM
The thing is derek, the majority of clips in the reel are extracted from smaller sources, so if i edit to the size of the larger clips those will look blown-up and, well, rubbish ..

"Why are you downscaling your HD material and then blowing it back up?"

i'm not, the footage is ripped from dvd which is the only way i could get my hands on that specific material i edited.

"Use Compressor to convert the 854 x 480 clips to fit. That way you just export straight from the timeline at current size." ---- but wouldn't that just degrade the footage? maybe 1080 x 720? to 1920 seems like a big jump

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 03, 2013 07:44AM
> the majority of clips in the reel are extracted from smaller sources, so if i edit to the size of the larger clips those will look
> blown-up and, well, rubbish ..

They're going to anyway. You're blowing them up after the export. To 1920x1080, to 1280x720, whatever.

> so the other stuff included in the reel from 1920 x 1080 etc has been scaled down to this sequence size.
> the footage is ripped from dvd

Well, then, the material isn't 1920x1080 anymore. It's irrelevant what frame size it "used to be". If it ended up on a video DVD, it's 720x480.

Re: Upping a clips resolution*
April 03, 2013 08:54AM
"If it ended up on a video DVD, it's 720x480."

thats my point, derek. hence my opening question

I'm putting together a compilation reel, but some of the material i was only able to access at a smaller resolution - 854 x 480, so the other stuff included in the reel from 1920 x 1080 etc has been scaled down to this sequence size.

Final delivery will be vimeo which automatically displays at a higher size.

My question therefore is how may i up-res the sequence, is it possible? Budget is zero i'm banking on free web-tool and/or perhaps Compressor advice (?)

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