FCP Classic and new codec update

Posted by Andrew Kines 
FCP Classic and new codec update
April 02, 2013 10:27AM
This is just an FYI.
On one of the systems I look after that is 10.6.8 and FCS3 all the way, I just got the automatic software update for the new codec pack that goes with FCPX 1.0.8. FCPX has never been installed on this system. Use this information as you see fit. Or don't. Knowledge, power, responsibility etc. etc.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: FCP Classic and new codec update
April 02, 2013 02:40PM
yes, i got that too.
as usual, no details from Apple.

did you install, Andrew?

Re: FCP Classic and new codec update
April 02, 2013 10:45PM
Yes. No editing today though. Some editing in a couple of days. We shall see.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: FCP Classic and new codec update
April 04, 2013 11:27PM
I suppose best practise is still to not install and wait to hear how others have fared - trouble is it begins to seem unfair - waiting for someone to blunder into a disaster; like the ProApps of a year ago, me thinks.
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