OT-Fate of the Mac Pro?

Posted by mark@avolution 
OT-Fate of the Mac Pro?
May 09, 2013 03:00PM
It's already mid May, and no word in regards to the
fate of the Mac Pro in 2013.

Is no news, good news, or..............
Re: OT-Fate of the Mac Pro?
May 09, 2013 04:44PM
The consensus currently seems to be:
if you need a Mac Pro get a second hand. If you really need a very powerful machine, get a PC. If you're on a budget and want to stay on a Mac and need Thunderbolt, get an iMac.

Re: OT-Fate of the Mac Pro?
May 10, 2013 09:12AM
Apple was ahead of the curve with powerful machines about 3 years ago, but now you can buy
16 and 24 core PCs for a good price. I am wondering what strategy Apple is pursuing, or is everything
tactically? Thanks for your input.

strypes Wrote:
> The consensus currently seems to be:
> if you need a Mac Pro get a second hand. If you
> really need a very powerful machine, get a PC. If
> you're on a budget and want to stay on a Mac and
> need Thunderbolt, get an iMac.
Re: OT-Fate of the Mac Pro?
May 10, 2013 03:18PM
And didn't Tim say we pro's were going to see something great this spring? Hmmmmmmm?

I'd be happy with a new 12-core tower-- maybe a scaled-down tower, two drive bays, with three PCI slots-- plus Thunderbolt, FireWire 800, SATA-- a two sizes of sexy new aluminum-frame LED display.

And the addition of actual tracks in FCPX.

That would be an event.

- Loren

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