No video on monitor

Posted by Delphinus 
No video on monitor
May 14, 2013 01:29PM
Hi all:
Something just happened that has not occured before. I have a Sony DSR-20 that has been working perfectly. Today, when I pop in a tape and go to Log and Capture, the video appears on my monitor. When I pop in a tape and just play it, the video also appears on my monitor. But, when I try to play the timeline, the video does not appear. I have gone to External Video and hit All Frames, and when I hit Refresh, the video appears digitally broken up for about 1 second, then black again. Does this sound like a DSR-20 problem or something in FCP 7? I have unplugged the DSR-20 and plugged it back in. I have closed down FCP and re-opened it. Same thing.

OS X 10.6.8
MacPro Intel
8 GB Ramm
Re: No video on monitor
May 14, 2013 07:15PM
Make sure you have a DV/NTSC Easy Setup chosen...

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