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Old footage cleanup pluginsPosted by johnnyhungus
Well crap, thougth Film Fix from Red Giant was still around but it isnt. Only thing I can think of is from CHV. They got a set of plugins called the Repair Collection. But it might only do a few things you want. BUT, Cristoph gives great support and might be able to help.
[www.chv-plugins.com] There might be some decent plugins for After Effects though Michael Horton -------------------
I haven't tried the CHV set-- have to look it over.
For grain reduction, I'd look at Neat Video noise reduction, it's quite good. For hand-done dustbusting, Photoshop Extended CS4-5-6 allows you to load in your film transfers and eliminate dustbunnies and the like by cloning out blemishes and cinch marks -- the rubber stamp tool can borrow from clean information in neighboring frames! Quite amazing. Continuous scratches require more care, but can also be done. There was a nice set of restoration tools from Topaz Labs called Topaz Enhance but they dropped the product. I was able to restore fuzzy old film transfer material which even brought back carpet texture! This product's central filter also borrowed temporally to restore frame information. PHYX filters offers some nice product for chroma restoration like color bleed. HTH Appended: Oh, wow, CHV looks like it can do a lot of the Topaz frame-borrow thing! Gotta try. - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: To reposition a Marker press Command and drag it! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide™ Power Pack with FCP7 KeyGuide -- now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
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