MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th

Posted by grafixjoe 
MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 18, 2013 04:40PM
Ladies & Gentlemen...start your wallets:

"We have begun manufacturing the Mac Pro in Austin. It’s the most powerful Mac ever. Orders start tomorrow." ~ Tim Cook on Twitter this morning 10:48 AM - 18 Dec 13

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 19, 2013 01:55AM
5K for an 8-core? *Sigh*
Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 19, 2013 03:44PM
New loaded MacPro: 12-Core / 64 GB RAM / 1 TB FLASH Drive / Dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of GDDR5 VRAM each / Applecare = $9858 + 7% (Florida) tax ($690.06) = $10,548.06 out the door with free shipping.

Mouse & keyboard not included.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 12:54AM
And they can't even come up with a neat new keyboard and mouse??

I'll wait.

- Loren

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Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 03:55AM
Just to confirm - I take it there's no way to run FCP7 on this pagan-like device?
Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 01:54PM
I see no reason why you can't run FCP 7 on this machine. It runs on Mavericks just fine.

Michael Horton
Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 02:29PM
At least through 10.9.0. Not sure about 10.9.1.

- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
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Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 04:05PM
By 10.9.0 et-al i presume you mean FCPX not the program a lot of us have 13+ years in . . .
Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 04:39PM
When you watch this, you will FIND THE $$$ for this machine (and this was done with the 8-Core which is $1500 LESS)...Oh boy...FCPX / 4K RED RAW with 18 effects playing back in REALTIME *drool * (watch the video on the bottom of this article):


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 04:56PM
No, I mean Final Cut Pro 7-- that's pretty much what this forum serves. There's a separate forum for FCPX users.

I outlined how I got FCP7 working in another thread, and I believe it's important to upgrade in this manner, or FCP7 may NOT work.

FCP7 requires older underlying QuickTime components, whereas 10.9 sports new "AV Foundations" which crusty old FCP7 cannot employ. The new stuff is 64-bit aware, etc.

But since Mavericks 10.9 has to be installed on a base of at least 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, over which FCP7 functions well, as it does in 10.7 (my current mission critical platform) and even 10.8, the idea is to clone one of these base installs to a fresh partition, which carries with it all the old 32-bit Quicktime goodies and applications. I used Carbon Copy Cloner. You then install the free 10.9 and as it turns out, at least thus far in the Mavericks world, the two sets of media foundations appear to coexist without a squabble and FCP7 runs without issues that I can see.
I've heard some third party plugins break. Thus far I'v used Neat Video noise reduction without problems.

This could change at any time. I'm about to discover whether 10.9.1 hammers old components into the ground, which effectively nails the coffin on FCP7.

But by then FCPX should have 99 classic-style tracks available, right? So Walter Murch can get back to work? Right now that's all that's holding me back; I can't grok squirrelly timelines for the final product (but I love it as a creative pallette) , I like edits settled into a static and trimmable trackspace. I think it would be a significant option made available for old schoolers like me.

I have a simple HD project going on Mavericks now, started and developed within 10.9, so I won't be upgrading until client approves the piece, but I should know before New Year's.


- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
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Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 20, 2013 11:14PM
Premiere is gonna FLY on this thing. Oops sorry Loren - wrong forum winking smiley

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 21, 2013 08:49PM
What? Joe's right... FCP 8. Our backup plan, along with Avid.

- Loren

Today's FCP keytip:
Boost or lower clip audio by 3DB with Control-] or [ !

Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide™ Power Pack.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th
December 23, 2013 10:36AM
Now this is a single chip processor right? There is no way to have 2 or 4 chips? Sound expensive to me.
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