Timeline Export Problem
March 03, 2014 12:40PM
OS X 10.6.8
MacBook Pro
2.16 GHz Core Duo
2 GB 667 SDRam

This is strange. Never happened before. I imported an .mov clip into the timeline, edited it down to the segment I wanted, marked the in and out, rendered, and exported twice, in Apple ProRes 422 HQ and again in Photo-JPEG. Both times, the end result was an .mov file of the segments that I actually cut from the timeline. I am stumped. Any ideas.
Re: Timeline Export Problem
March 03, 2014 12:51PM
One possible solution:

Is the original file in the H.264 codec?

In FCP, select the original file in the browser and type Command-9

If the Compressor entry is H.264 that might be your problem.

Convert the file to ProRes and relink your timeline to the converted file.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
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