Editing workflow advice, 2 cam Reality show

Posted by John K 
Editing workflow advice, 2 cam Reality show
April 05, 2014 06:11PM
Hi all,

About to start cutting a new Reality show, would love some tips and advice on workflow going forward especially in regards to working with a team of segment producers and assistant editors. The show is shot two camera (don't know which ones yet; pilot presentation I'm editing now was dual 7Ds) with separate sound.

My initial workflow was to transcode everything and sync production audio using Pluraleyes 2 in FCP 7 -- both the A and B cameras. I did some tests with Multiclips/Multicam editing (which I never had much use for in the past so I'm not as familiar with the workflow), but wasn't too happy with it. Mostly I worry about the staff of non-editors (or folks who aren't really FCP savvy) who need to review the footage and make log notes; I think Multiclips might be too confusing for them to look at and frankly I might be just as comfortable syncing up all the footage using the slate and just cutting it on two tracks.

Anyone with multi cam show experience who has advice on how to put this thing together, would really appreciate it!!


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: Editing workflow advice, 2 cam Reality show
April 13, 2014 06:18AM
would ask if FCP X might be the tool for this.

v good with multicam footage, or so i'm told.

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