Joe Riggs Wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the best way to create a bunch of titles
> (subtitles to be precise) within FP7, so that I
> can easily change them all if necessary?
No way – except you use or create a Motion template and change that for your needs on customer request
> I might end up with a hundred plus titles,
That's not a lot ;-)
> they will all look the same (font, color, size), and
> I'd like to be able to modify them all if need be.
> So FCP7 built in text tool is out as it can't do that.
As said above use/create a Motion template.
> I might also need to add a black outline to the
> Boris?
For subtitles Boris is NO option.
Try Outline Text – but it won't help to change all subs with a click.
You also could use TextUp witch is automatically installed with TitleExchange. It fits the needs for subtitling way better than any of the generators which come along with FCP. But also this one (as all of the available generators) won't allow to batch change styles.
So again use/create a Motion template.
> TitleExchange (although I haven't had much luck with this one in the past)?
Read the the help file carefully and it will work.
> Maybe some other plug in?
Here "another again" use/create a Motion template.
> Thank you
Some workflow tools for FCP []
TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps.