migrate fcp6 to a new computer?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
migrate fcp6 to a new computer?
September 25, 2014 03:44PM
i'm trying to finish a large project in fcp6 and hit a wall. i have a new computer that gets me past the wall and have installed fcp6 and updated. can someone tell me or point me toa link detailing how to migrate all of my settings, plugins, window layouts, etc. to the new location? which folders to copy or go through to find the things i added over time to my installation?

Re: migrate fcp6 to a new computer?
September 27, 2014 11:31AM
Install the excellent free Preference Manager in both computers. Back up the first FCP installation with Preference Manager. Then find the backup file it created (in Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Digital Rebellion/Preference Manager/Backups/) and copy it to the corresponding folder in the second computer. Now run Preference Manager in the second computer to Restore those FCP preferences.

This Apple link might help you to locate where your plugins were installed.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
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